School Psychology

Our team will always be there to help students succeed academically, behaviorally, socially and emotionally.


Molly Midkiff is a licensed and Nationally Certified School Psychologist. In May of 2017 she received her Educational Specialist degree from Radford University. Molly’s interest in school psychology began early on as a child wanting to be a teacher. She then felt intrigued learning about why we do the things we do and felt the field of school psychology was the best of both worlds (education and psychology). She started working for Pediatric Therapies in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, she has worked in Buckingham County and Chesterfield County. Both school districts provided her with a wealth of knowledge and experience working with neurodivergent populations. Molly enjoys getting to know students and their families while completing psycho-educational assessments. She also conducts short-term individual and group counseling sessions. She has experience conducting threat assessments, functional behavioral assessments, and behavior intervention plans. Molly feels succeeding in school is one of the most therapeutic things that can happen to a child. She feels grateful to work alongside school based teams to make the best decisions possible for children during their childhood years. She is a peacemaker who strives to share cognitive and behavioral strategies at each meeting.

Molly is married with two children and one fur baby. She resides in Buckingham, VA. Outside of work, Molly enjoys spending time with family and friends. She loves finding new spots to dine, reading, and going to the beach.